Behavioral Therapy

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Behavioral Therapy Services With Helping Hands

Welcome to Helping Hands, your partner in providing comprehensive and compassionate Behavioral Therapy services for children and adolescents. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to supporting individuals and families in navigating behavioral challenges, fostering positive growth, and enhancing overall well-being.

About Behavioral Therapy:

Behavioral Therapy is a highly effective approach to addressing a wide range of behavioral concerns in children and adolescents. These concerns may include:

  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and related social communication difficulties

  • Anxiety and mood disorders

  • Oppositional behavior and defiance

  • Academic and school-related challenges

  • Parent-child relationship issues

Our Approach:

At Helping Hands, we believe in taking a personalized and collaborative approach to Behavioral Therapy. Our team of experienced therapists works closely with families to understand each child's unique strengths, needs, and goals. We utilize evidence-based interventions grounded in principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to promote positive behavior change and improve overall functioning.

What To Expect:

During an initial assessment, our therapists will conduct a thorough evaluation to assess your child's strengths, challenges, and areas of need. Based on this assessment, we will develop a tailored treatment plan that may include:

  • Individual therapy sessions to address specific behavioral concerns and teach coping skills

  • Social skills training to improve peer interactions and communication skills

  • Parent training and support to implement effective strategies at home and in the community

  • School consultations to collaborate with teachers and support academic success

  • Behavioral interventions to reduce problem behaviors and promote positive alternatives

Benefits Of Behavioral Therapy:

  • Improved self-regulation and emotional management skills

  • Enhanced social skills and peer relationships

  • Increased academic engagement and success

  • Strengthened parent-child relationships and family functioning

  • Greater independence and confidence in navigating daily challenges

Get Started With Helping Hands:

If your child or adolescent is struggling with behavioral concerns, we're here to help. Contact Helping Hands today to schedule an initial consultation and take the first step toward positive behavior change and improved quality of life. Together, we can support your child on their journey to reaching their full potential.